Optimal Adaption for
Socially Integrated Sustainability

C40 Students Reinventing Cities Competition Winner

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Action Plan 

  • By detecting Kypseli’s important points of interest we are creating new connections between them. The project uses one of the most underused, yet multifunctional natural resources available in the urban fabric, its soil capital. The full project uses up to 66% of the excavation soil from nearby metro station works on Kanari square. Soil is the connector between the different realms of private and public space. It is used as a design tool, in green facades, in urban farming and to create a new landscape. It is going to turn Kypseli to a prototype SOIL CAPITAL of Athens.


Optimal Adaption for
Socially Integrated Sustainability

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Action Plan 

  • By detecting Kypseli’s important points of interest we are creating new connections between them. The project uses one of the most underused, yet multifunctional natural resources available in the urban fabric, its soil capital. The full project uses up to 66% of the excavation soil from nearby metro station works on Kanari square. Soil is the connector between the different realms of private and public space. It is used as a design tool, in green facades, in urban farming and to create a new landscape. It is going to turn Kypseli to a prototype SOIL CAPITAL of Athens.


© Diamantis A.; Georgiou E.

Aghias Zonis Green Agora

Kypseli’s economic sector lacks dynamism due to businesses being conceived and managed individually with virtually no synergies among themselves. This situation translates into a stale consuming dynamic at the neighbourhood level, which is well represented by the street of Aghias Zonis. The public space is very monofunctional and mainly dedicated to pedestrian transit, with few to none leisure areas likely to encourage a vital and buzzing space for living and consumption, which hinders the cities' flourishment. We propose a model of channelling the local economy in order to revitalize it and to integrate a new public space of consumption that is attractive and accessible for most of the population. This newfound public space provides for multipurpose uses to complement and enhance the economic offer, diffusing the limits between the street and the buildings, between the public and the private. To do so, economic actors will build spaces and tools that enable them to cooperate and grow. Withing the main tools, we propose the existence of an online platform that will promote collective business practices among local shops and businesses. In order to have a more pleasant public space throughout the year, the surfaces of the pedestrian street will be permeabilised and underneath them, soil will be placed in order to help with water infiltration.

© Diamantis A.; Georgiou E. © Diamantis A.; Georgiou E. © Diamantis A.; Georgiou E. © Diamantis A.; Georgiou E. © Diamantis A.; Georgiou E.

© Apollon Diamantis, Eleni Georgiou